
Showing posts from December, 2017

Journal Entry #7- WikiLeaks and Whistleblowers

Canada passes law to protect whistleblowers and journalists’ confidential sources There is finally a new law that will help protect journalists against search warrants and police surveillance. Whistle blowers will no longer be allowed to be punished in Canada for their articles and what they post or write about anymore. This law is a very good thing for journalism because most of the journalists who may have been afraid to "Whistle Blow" i the past because of possible legal issues can now tell the information people deserve to know without having to worry about their own safety. The only way that a police authority can get a search warrant is if they ask a judge and the judge decides that the warrant should be handed out and that the importance of the investigation outweighs protecting a source. This article and new law that came out in 2016 relates to the documentary we watched last week on WikiLeaks and Whistle blowing. This new law is a good thing because anonymous sou...